Doric Lodge #319 "Ace" Pickleball Court Funding
Bruce Bennet, W.M. and Larry Reakes, J.W. of Doric Lodge #319 present check and certificate to Susan Archer, Fundraising Chairman, and Eric Griffith, Director Moline Park and Recreation.
Recreation space for children can be beneficial in many ways. According to Sanford Health, playing outside strengthens bones and muscles, helps with cognitive and social/emotional development, improves sensory skills, increases attention spans, and improves mood and immune systems. The Moline Park and Recreation Department and Doric Lodge #319 understand the importance of outdoor activities. This is why Doric Lodge #319 provided a $500 donation to the Moline Park and Recreation Department to help fund the creation of lighted Pickleball courts to be used by the community. Doric Lodge #319 wanted to further assist this fundraiser, so they reached out to the Illinois Masonic Children’s Assistance Program (IMCAP) to apply for the Youth Organization Connection. The Youth Organization Connection is a micro grant program that helps fund youth organizations that are important to Illinois Lodge’s. IMCAP matched the Doric Lodge’s donation for the creation of Pickleball courts.
What is Pickleball you ask? According to USA Pickleball’s website, Pickleball combines elements from tennis, badminton, and ping pong. It uses a paddle and a plastic ball that has holes in it. Pickleball can be played as singles or doubles. The sport has actually been around since it’s creation in 1965. In 1976, the first Pickleball tournament was held.
The Moline Park and Recreation Department hopes that the creation of 8 total lighted Pickleball courts will not only bring attention to this fun sport, but also provide a place for children to come together and play outside. The city of Moline hopes to offer clinics, leagues, and tournaments for the community to participate in. In addition, Doric Lodge #319 will be recognized as a donor on a formal plaque at the site of the Pickleball courts.
IMCAP is so excited to be given the opportunity to help Lodges fund their local youth organizations. Does your Lodge have a great idea for how to help the youth in your local community? Contact IMCAP Director, Gale Kilbury, for more information on how to apply for the Youth Organization Connection by phone (217)529-8900 ext 222 or by email