Bringing Daycare Option to Dieterich, IL
Presenting Youth Organization Connection certificate for Dieterich Community Center. Pictured left to right: Alex Wright (Dieterich Community Center Committee), Brittny Gipson (Dieterich Community Center Committee), and Secretary Steve Kibler (Winterrowd Lodge #664).
For working families, child care is a necessity. Unfortunately, trusted and affordable child care can be hard to find in some Illinois communities. The community of Dieterich, Illinois saw this important need and the concept of a Community Center was born. Dieterich, Illinois is a small town of 617 residents and the population is expected to keep growing. The residents and village board members have been very active in brining needed amenities to the community, including a K-12 school and a community medical center. The newest project coming to the community is a Community Center. This center will have recreation amenities but also bring much needed daycare to the residents of Dieterich.
A big advocate for the growth of Dieterich is the Winterrowd Lodge #664. When Winterrowd Lodge #664 heard about the construction of a Community Center with a daycare facility, they knew that they needed to help make the center happen. As the Community Center is funded completely by donations, Winterrowd Lodge $664 voted to donate to the fund. However, they did not stop there. Winterrowd Lodge #664 wanted to contribute more to this great effort, so they reached out to Illinois Masonic Children’s Assistance Program (IMCAP) to apply for the Youth Organization Connection.
The Youth Organization Connection is a program that offers micro grants to help youth based organizations in lodge communities. Through the Youth Organization Connection, IMCAP has partnered with lodges to provide funding for a variety of organizations including inclusive playgrounds, sports teams, COVID learning pods, and more.
Donations for the Dieterich Community Center are still being accepted as they work toward their goal of $900,000. To date, $500,000 has been raised. Once the goal has been met, building will begin. The daycare in the Community Center will be able to service 50 children ages 6 weeks to 5 years old. Additionally, the center will be across from the school, allowing easy access to the facility.
To find out more information about the Youth Organization Connection or to submit a proposal, please contact IMCAP Director, Gale Kilbury, at 217-529-8900 ext. 222 or by email More information and the proposal document can be found under the “Youth Organization Connection” link in the “Lodge Programs” tab at the top of our webpage.