M-A-R-I-N-E! What's that spell? OPPORTUNITY

If you have been to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, you may have seen one of the magical parades in the park. Imagine being young, watching those parades and wishing you could be part of the magic. One lucky youth organization from Lebanon, Illinois has the opportunity to do just that.
Without Limits Dance Company is a 501 c3 organization that provides classes to Special Olympic athletes. Services include cheer classes, tumbling classes, parade opportunities, competitions, recitals, and community performances. The Special Olympic Cheer Team with Without Limits Dance Company has been granted the magical opportunity to participate in the Dance the Magic Parade at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Floridia December 2022. There will be 16 cheer team members marching through Walt Disney World.
However, with great opportunities come great costs. For this opportunity, the cost is about $2,000 per person. To not let this amazing event pass by, Marine Lodge #355 stepped up to support the team. Many members of Marine Lodge #355 hold Without Limits Dance Company close to their hearts. Some even have children that are involved in the organization. So, it is no surprise that Marine Lodge #355 reached out to Illinois Masonic Children’s Assistance Program (IMCAP) to see how they can best help this team of talented athletes.
Through IMCAP, the Marine Lodge #355 wrote a proposal for the Youth Organization Connection. This program is a partnership with Illinois Lodges to provide microgrants to youth organizations and events. With this proposal, IMCAP was eager to help support the opportunity of a lifetime. Thank you Marine Lodge #355 for taking an interest in Without Limits Dance Company, and good luck to the Special Olympic Cheer Team with their performance in the Dance the Magic Parade.
Does your Lodge know of a youth organization or event that could use your support? Write a proposal for the Youth Organization Connection today! More information on the Youth Organization Connection and all of IMCAP’s programs can be found at IMCAP.org.