Nunda Lodge #169 Proves that Nutrition Can be Fun
Nunda Lodge #169 presents the Fox River Valley Public Library with a total of $4300 to help purchase a mobile kitchen for the youth nutritional programs. Pictured left to right: Nunda Lodge #169 Worshipful Master Frank Richards, Library Director Amy Dodson, Nunda Lodge #169 Treasurer Bob Haught. Behind: Adult and Teen Service Manager Jason Katsion.
Being a parent can be hectic. Between getting the kids up and ready for school, getting them to their after school activities, packing lunches, and planning fun weekends, making sure that they have a nutritional meal or snack may not be in the forefront of your mind. One organization recognized this struggle and has made child specific classes to teach children and teenagers how to create their own nutritional meals and snacks in a fun, engaging way.
Fox River Valley Pubic Library has educational classes for children ages 5 to 17 that teaches them healthy habits and how to create healthy meals. However, they have found that sometimes it is hard to teach children how to make these fun snack using just a regular table. The library decided that they need a mobile demonstration table with a mirror and kitchen utensils that they can wheel to different classrooms. This table will help teach children and teenagers how to prepare these fun snacks all on their own by making it easier for them to see the teacher’s demonstration.
When Nunda Lodge #169 heard about the library’s idea for a mobile kitchen, they were eager to jump on board. The members of Nunda Lodge #169 know how hard it is to ensure that children are getting the nutrients that they need to stay healthy. According to State of Childhood Obesity, 17.4% of children ages 10-17 are considered obese in Illinois. Further data shows the reasons behind this percentage.
15.1% drink one or more sodas per day
16.7% do not eat breakfast
6.3% do not eat fruit regularly
7.9% do not eat vegetables regularly
70.1% do not attend physical education one or more days a week
26.1% are physically active at least 60 minutes a day
43% use the computer three or more hours a day
20.7% watch three or more hours of television per day
Seeing how high some of these statistics are just in Illinois shows how important nutritional literacy is for children and adolescents. Nunda Lodge #169 was able to donate $200 to the library to fund the purchase of the mobile kitchen. To help with the expense, Nunda Lodge #169 decided to partner with the Illinois Masonic Children Assistance Program (IMCAP) for the Youth Organization Connection. This program provides micro grants to youth organizations in Lodge communities. Due to their proposal for the library, IMCAP provided $4100 to help with the purchase of the mobile kitchen.
IMCAP is so excited to partner with Nunda Lodge #169 and the Fox River Valley Public Library to bring nutritional literacy to community youth.
If your Lodge would like to help a local youth organization, reach out to IMCAP to apply for the Youth Organization Connection program. You can contact IMCAP Director, Gale Kilbury, at 217-529-8900 ext. 222 or