Harmony Lodge #3: Helping Students Embrace Reading
Harmony Lodge #3 presents the IMCAP Youth Organization Connection check to the Jacksonville Public Schools Foundation for reading pens. Pictured Left to Right: Harmony Lodge #3 Treasurer Jeremy Coumbes; JPSF Executive Director Leslie Defrates; Haromony Lodge #3 Worshipful Master Brad Smith; and President of JPSF Brother Robert Chipman.
Reading: an important fundamental skill. However, this skill does not come easily for everyone. For some, a little extra assistance in learning how to read is needed. With the use of reading pens, students are able to hear words out loud that they may be struggling with. This can increase their confidence in learning to read and learning challenging words.
The Jacksonville Public Schools Foundation (JPSF) saw the benefits of reading pens and have decided to implement them at their schools to enhance reading among their students. Adaptive equipment, such as reading pens, do not come cheap. In order to help the Jacksonville Public Schools Foundation initiative, Harmony Lodge #3 created a partnership with JPSF and the Illinois Masonic Children’s Assistance Program (IMCAP) to donate $5,000 to purchase these important reading tools.
This is not Harmony Lodge #3’s first time partnering with IMCAP to make a difference in the Jacksonville, IL community. In 2021, Harmony Lodge #3 and IMCAP worked together to purchase COVID Prevention Masks for Jacksonville Public School students. Then, in 2022, Harmony Lodge #3 and IMCAP provided assistance to the Jacksonville Food Center to ensure community children had plenty to eat during the holiday season.
In all three initiatives, Harmony Lodge #3 utilized the Youth Organization Connection through IMCAP. The Youth Organization Connection is a lodge-based program that provides microgrants to community youth events or organizations that Illinois Masonic Lodges are passionate about.
IMCAP is proud to partner with Harmony Lodge #3 and all of our Masonic Lodges to provide a variety of assistance to youth in our local communities. If your Lodge knows of a youth event or organization that you would like to provide assistance for, consider writing a proposal for the Youth Organization Connection. For more information about the Youth Organization Connection, visit https://imcap.org/youth-organization-connection