Marissa Lodge #881 Fights Back Against Child Food Insecurity
WB Steve Hodges from Marissa Lodge #881 presents donation to Directors Robin Geralds and Pam Welshans of Marissa Twigs Program.
Marissa Lodge #881 partnered with the Illinois Masonic Children’s Assistance Program (IMCAP) to provide a total of $500 to the Marissa Library Family Tree House Outreach (Twigs) Program. The Twigs Program is designed to provide free sack lunches to children in the Marissa, Illinois school district during the summer months. During the school year, students that qualify for the free or reduced lunch program are able to get lunch at school However, when school is out for the summer, these students may not have access to daily balanced lunches. This is where the Twigs program comes in. By providing free sack lunches to these students, Twigs is able to ensure that all students receive daily balanced lunches throughout the year.
Marissa Lodge #881 saw how important the need for summer lunches were for their community and stepped up to help fund the Twigs Program by donating to the cause. In order to help the Twigs Program even more, Marissa Lodge #881 reached out to IMCAP to see if funding would be available for this great community program. IMCAP has a specific program designed to help community youth organizations that the local Lodges are passionate about. Through the Youth Organization Connection, Marissa Lodge #881 was able to write a proposal for a micro grant for the Twigs Program.
IMCAP loves partnering with our Lodges to provide assistance in a variety of ways. Through the Youth Organization Connection, IMCAP has been able to partner with Lodge to provide micro grants for learning programs, food programs, and youth events in their areas.
Does your Lodge know of a youth organization, club, or event in your area that you would love to support? Reach out to IMCAP Director, Gale Kilbury, by email or phone 217-529-8900 ext 222 to find out how to apply for the Youth Organization Connection.
Check out all of IMCAP’s Lodge based programs on our website