THANK YOU from the Rainbow Girls Leadership Camp
Thank you poster from Rainbow Girls Leadership Camp with signatures from members.
Before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the Illinois Masonic Children’s Assistance Program (IMCAP) received a request from the Rainbow Girls Leadership Camp to help with needed supplies. Happy to take on the request, IMCAP approved providing tents to the camp. However, no one could have guessed that it would take two years to get those tents purchased and sent to the Rainbow Girls.
The request came to us in 2020. As many of you know, later that year the pandemic forced summer camps to cancel. This was the case for our Rainbow Girls Leadership Camp. Holding true to the promise, IMCAP held on to the funds designated for the new tents until the camp was able to open back up. Who would have thought that camp would not resume until 2022?
In 2022, the Rainbow Girls were finally able to enjoy their summer camp. They were able to attend a week of workshops focusing on ritual and floor work. An average of 60 young ladies and 20 volunteers attend the camp every year, and they were all eager to get back to business. While the members developed their leadership and communication skills, IMCAP made sure that they were able to remain comfortable during the week in new tents. According to the Rainbow Girls, the tents held up and protected the girls throughout the week, even from the rain.
At the Annual Communication 2022, IMCAP had the opportunity to meet with Nina Hernandez who started the proposal for IMCAP funding back in 2020. Meeting with this remarkable young lady reminds us of the impact that we can have on our communities through partnership with our Illinois Lodges. Nina Hernandez presented IMCAP with a thank you poster signed by the girls from the camp. To Nina and the rest of the Rainbow Girls, IMCAP would like to extend our appreciation and thanks for the opportunity to help make your camp a success.