Illinois Masonic Lodges Become "Santa's Helpers"
Mississippi Lodge #385 presents a certificate and check to Great River Outreach to assist in the coat drive for Carroll County youth. Left to Right: Pastor Bob Stark, Mississippi Lodge #385 Senior Warden Charles Johnson, Betsy Kinder, Mississippi Lodge #385 Secretary Tom Michels, Great River Outreach Secretary Pastor Gary Panetta.
The Illinois Masonic Children’s Assistance Program sent out a call to action at the beginning of this holiday season, urging Illinois Masonic Lodges to provide assistance and hope to children in their communities this year. Within hours of the email blast being sent out to Lodge leadership, IMCAP received phone calls and emails with requests of partnership to make the holidays bright throughout Illinois. Utilizing IMCAP’s Youth Organization Connection, IMCAP partnered with Lodges to support food drives, winter clothing drives, toy drives, and outreach programs in your communities. We would like to recognize the Illinois Masonic Lodges that took on the role of “Santa’s Helpers” this holiday season:
Cairo Lodge #237
Paxton Lodge #416
Mississippi Lodge #385
Akin Lodge #749
Farmington Lodge #192
Crete Lodge #763
Watseka Lodge #446
Further Light Lodge #1130
Sheldon Lodge #609
Mt. Carmel Lodge #239
West Salem Lodge #866
Humboldt Lodge #555
Bloomington Lodge #43
Olive Branch Lodge #38
Oblong City Lodge #644
Bodley Lodge #1
Altamont Lodge #533
Effingham Lodge #149
Greenland Lodge #665
Watson Lodge #602
Normal Lodge #673
Payson Lodge #379
Russell Lodge #154
Harmony Lodge #3
Rushville Lodge #9
Thank you for all that you do to help children in your communities. IMCAP is honored to work with you to provide a brighter future to children.