Flora Lodge #204 Reaches the Finish Line of the First Completed Bikes for Books Program of FY23
Flora Lodge #204 presents the Bikes for Books winner with her new bike. Left to Right: Flora Lodge #204 Treasurer Don Fry, Bikes for Books winner Kiara, school librarian Becky Woods, Flora Lodge #204 Worshipful Master Ryan Scott, and Flora Lodge #204 Chaplin David Lewis.
The Illinois Masonic Children’s Assistance Program (IMCAP) launched their Bikes for Books program in 2022 to encourage reading and Lodge partnerships in Illinois schools. There has been a lot of interest in the program with promotional material and information being sent all over the state. In December 2022, Flora Lodge #204 became IMCAP’s first Lodge to complete the Bikes for Books program.
Flora Lodge’s interest in the Bikes for Books program started with Worshipful Master (WM) Ryan Scott and his love for reading. WM Scott found a love for reading through his mother. She encouraged him to read and helped him find the joy of books. That joy grew when she started running her own bookstore. When WM Scott learned about the Bikes for Books program through IMCAP, all the memories of his mother came flooding back and he knew this was a cause he could really get behind.
After informing his Lodge of the program, WM Scott contacted the local school and put the program in motion. He partnered with the school principal and the school librarian to hammer out the details. They would be offering the program to the 4th and 5th grade classes and they would draw the winner right before Christmas break. IMCAP shipped all of the promotional materials to Flora Lodge #204 and planned on purchasing the bike once the winner was drawn. Flora Lodge #204 and the school hit the ground running and implemented the program for 6 weeks. The 4th and 5th grade consists of 200 students. At the end of the program, it was reported that a total of 600 books were read!
On the day of the drawing, Lodge members met with the principal in the school office to annouce the winner over the PA system. The principal kept everyone on their toes as she announced clues as to who the winner is. Finally, the winner was announced and the student rushed down to the office to provide needed information for her new bike.
Flora Lodge #204 had such a great experience with the Bikes for Books program, that they have decided to take it upon themselves to offer the program in other schools in their county at their own expense.
Great job Flora Lodge #204!
To learn more about the Bikes for Books program and how your Lodge can get the program started in your school, visit https://imcap.org/booksfor-bikes-reading-program