Kinmundy Lodge #398 Spreads a Different Kind of Holiday Cheer for Easter
The Kinmundy Lodge #398 presents the Youth Organization Connection check to The South Central District Homeless Liaisons. Pictured left to right: South Central Elementary School Assistant Principal Jake Skibinski; Kinmundy IGA Owner and Kinmundy Lodge #398 member Bro. Chuck Rose; South Central Elementary School Principle Sara Rose; Kinmundy Lodge #398 Worshipful Master Steve Lindsey; South Central Superintendent Kerry Herdes; District Deputy Grand Master of the 5th Southern District Chuck Simms; South Central Elementary School Secretary LouAnn Donoho; and Kinmundy Lodge #398 Senior Warden Clayton Keen.
When we think of donating food for the holidays, we often think of Thanksgiving or Christmas. The South Central District Homeless Liaisons and Kinmundy Lodge #398 had a different idea to spread holiday cheer. During Easter, they will be donating 345 hams to low-income families in the South Central Grade School District.
The South Central District Homeless Liaisons have a lot of support from their community in this creative endeavor. From local churches to the Kinmundy Lodge #398 to even the Kinmundy IGA. The owner of the Kinmundy IGA, Chuck Rose, offered to provide the hams to the organization at cost. Additionally, his store vender offered 10% of the value of the hams to the organization as a donation. The South Central District Homeless Liaisons will identify families in the South Central Elementary School that are in need during the Easter season and present them with a voucher to pick up their ham at the Kinmundy IGA.
Knowing the price of food, Kinmundy Lodge #398 knew that they had to do something to help this organization purchase as many hams for low-income families as they can. Turning to the Illinois Masonic Children’s Assistance Program (IMCAP), Kinmundy Lodge #398 made a Youth Organization Proposal for $5000. IMCAP partnered with Kinmundy Lodge #398 to provide the requested $5000 to help purchase hams for families in their area. What a wonderful and creative initiative for the Kinmundy community!
To learn more about the Youth Organization Connection and how your Lodge can write a proposal for an organization in your neighborhood, visit