How Your Lodge Can Help Students Train for Their Futures

Around this time of year, the Illinois Masonic Children’s Assistance Program (IMCAP) starts becoming busy with applications for the Education Grant Partnership. The Education Grant Partnership is a way that IMCAP partners with Illinois Masonic Lodges to bolster their scholarships. Lodges can apply for $1000 matching and $1000 unmatching funds each year. While the Education Grant Partnership could be used for accredited colleges or vocational programs, most applications that we saw were for students attending a 4 year college.
This year, IMCAP has decided to offer a new program that is specifically for vocational or trade programs. The Vocational Training Grant allows Lodges to apply for $1000 of unmatched funds each year for students attending a vocational or trade program. These funds can be used for tuition or for required equipment that the student will need for their program.
IMCAP understands how stressful paying for education can be for students. With the help of your Lodge, we are able to provide funds to help more students reach their goals.
Since the launch of this new program, IMCAP has received Vocational Training Grant applications from 9 Lodges. This grant is like getting free money! Why hasn’t your Lodge applied yet?
For more information about the Vocational Training Grant, please visit